HOME CLIMATE CONTROL – Basic Setup or Ultimate Setup?

In this blog Mayflower London assess what constitutes a basic and an ultimate climate control setup, and how they fulfill specific household needs.

The Question beckons…

The straightforward Toyota Prius..? Or a supremely racey Bugatti Veyron?

A good piece of steak..? Or the full roast dinner, with all of the scrumptious trimmings?  

Just a quick shower..? Or a long, candlelit soak in a heavenly scented bubble bath?

All of these questions follow a common theme, though they relate to different choices in life.  Does something simple meet my basic needs? Or do I indulge my every desire?

In consideration of this perpetual dilemma, it firstly all depends on how one would define their basic needs and ultimate desires. Secondly, it depends on if one has the ability, or resources, to facilitate either of them. Let’s start with the ultimate climate control setup.

Ultimate climate control setup

As far as what’s available to the public, an ultimate climate control setup, as discussed in detail in our Climate Control Automation Blog, would likely consist of a state of the art HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) system that also includes an air purifier along with a central control system that fully integrates all of the functions. It would work in such a way as to not only maximise convenience of its use in terms of room-by-room temperature adjustment, but also in a manner which maximises air quality through proper ventilation, humidification, and purification. Maximising air quality is a function that has become unerringly desirable in recent years due to factors such as heightened air pollution, not to mention the world shaking arrival of COVID-19.

Basic climate control setup

The basic climate control setup is a less straightforward choice than the ultimate setup. Without a doubt, temperature control is at the heart of any climate control system just by definition, whether it is the most complicated, advanced integrated SMART climate control system, or the most simplistic climate control system. But, prior to the arrival of COVID-19, one would hesitate to include the choice of an air purifier as part of the basic climate control setup. Now however, many would likely choose air purification over both ventilation and air conditioning. In all likelihood Mayflower London would recommend that a basic climate control system should consist of a heating function and one of air purification, conditioning, or ventilation, staying in line with the current and the likely future requirements of everyday people. A central control function would be optional. In terms of ventilation or conditioning, unless you live in the middle of a city with high levels of pollution in the air, or in regions with Siberian or Saharan type climates, one might turn towards opening windows, the most traditional form of ventilation.  

So, which one is the one for you?

This question remains, and further questions beg; Although on a certain level both the basic setup and the ultimate setup perform the same underlying function, what is important to you? Do you just want to be able to control the temperature in your home, or do you want to also control the air quality? Does your choice of climate control equipment justify adding a central control system, or is it simply unnecessary? Would you like the ability to control the system room-by-room, or would it be sufficient to be able to control the system with one setting for the entire household?

Although much still depends on budgetary limitations, the climate of the region you live in, and the size of the particular home, Mayflower’s team of professional climate technicians will break down all of the possible options with a full initial consultation and inspection of your home, analysing and observing its layout, the materials its structure is made up of, and the possibilities with regard to retrofitting or overhauling, whilst considering the regional climate. Once this has been done and choices have been made regarding the automation equipment that will go towards the system, our team can get down to the nitty gritty of designing an effective and efficient climate control system that meets the clients exact specifications. 

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